Sunday, March 30, 2014

Plane Travel

I have decided to start off this blog by talking about your luggage on the plane in general. I will be going over the carry on restrictions mainly!

Basic flight info: the flight will be just over about 3 hours. (we are flying from DTW to MIA in case you were wondering)

Plane Travel:

We are going to be carrying on our luggage, so your suit case can't be too big. In addition, you will be also allowed to carry on a separate bag such as a back-pack or tote. Please try not too bring too much stuff or else security might make an issue out of it. Below is a good example of how big your main suit case can be!

Like I mentioned before, we ARE not going to be checking in any luggage at the airport because it will save time, and a lot of money. (It easily saves at least like $50 per person) 

The second bag that I mentioned earlier should be around the standard size of a school back pack or a tote. Keep in mind that your second bag that you bring will be sitting WITH you on the plane. It will not be going above your head because your suit case will be there instead. Make sure that you are going to be comfy enough with it when you fly on the plane.

Purses: If you choose to bring a purse with you, put inside your back pack until you get past security. This way, security will not make a fuss about you carrying too many bags!

Here is what I think is the most important thing to know about traveling on a plane!!!

Many years ago, the TSA (plane travel security thingy) made a rule not allowing anybody to carry on an excessive amount of liquids. The new rule states that you are only allowed to bring liquids that are up to 3oz. You can bring as many things that are up to 3oz AS LONG as they fit into a standard zip lock bag. Also, the liquids have to be labeled as 3oz or less. What I mean by that is that you cannot bring a standard size tooth-paste even though there is technically less than 3oz left in it. Even though the near empty toothpaste tube might really only have 2oz in it left, it is not labeled that way.
I will have more info about how to pack liquids in a later blog. This is just for you to get an idea so you don't start packing a whole bottle of shampoo!

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